Why You Should Stop Smoking Using Bioresonance.

Do you want to stop smoking but can’t cope with the cravings and withdrawal symptoms? YES ?? Then Bioresonance is the answer but have a little sympathy for smokers.

Nicotine is widely accepted as being more addictive than Heroin and of course all smokers know of the damage they do to theirs and others health by smoking cigarettes  it’s becoming more and more socially unacceptable and for very good reasons. But they find it very hard to quit

Brighton And Hove Stop Smoking uses the latest technology called Bioresonance therapy which has had so much positive press coverage recently i.e. Richard & Judy, BBC News 24 & The Telegraph that you are probably already aware of it.

It has nothing to do with hypnosis but is a treatment method which has been used worldwide many years to treat ailments such as allergies, asthma, skin problems, muscular relief, heart disease, drug addiction, tumors  and much more as this video illustrates.

Since then it has been modified and has now been found to be extremely effective in the treatment of most addictions, one of the most successful being nicotine addiction. In fact, these modifications have lead to over 70% per cent of people becoming free of their previous nicotine addiction after one treatment and 90% after two.

Many thousands have already successfully given up in the UK and other parts of Europe using this same method.

There have also been extensive studies in China into Bioresonance where it is used in a number of hospitals for treatment other than the stop smoking.

Watch the Richard and Judy show coverage on Channel 4 which featured Bioresonance treatment for smokers in the week 15th July 2005.

Not only is it completely harmless but almost immediately after putting out your last cigarette you will feel the benefits.

So don’t keep putting it off – make an appointment today because not only is it completely harmless but almost immediately after putting out your last cigarette you will feel the benefits.

This the year will be the year you really did stop smoking for good!

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